General Info

Basically I’m a computer scientist with a dual personality problem.

The first personality is interested in numerical methods for PDEs, scientific computing and high performance computing. I’m especially interested in numerical methods for the electromagnetism. In my free time I peek also in the field of digital signal processing and software defined radio.

The second personality is interested in the lowest levels of computing systems, especially in what concerns processor architectures and network technologies.

During my career I’ve always been in the middle of the two worlds: sometimes it helped me, sometimes it hampered me. Making the two worlds communicate is not easy, but I believe in it.

Current position

I work at Politecnico di Torino, in the Department of Mathematics. My current topics are


matteo [dot] cicuttin [at] polito [dot] it.

I am not on facebook, twitter, linkedin and social networks in general. This website is the only authoritative source of information about myself.